that $23K permit in El Dorado county, since his home in the hills mirrors that one to a fair degree...short story is that he's not surprised at all given all the required planning and testing that needs to be done in such environments in a state with earthquakes and forest fires on top of just building in mountainous terrain. Many specialists necessarily get involved...and if a plot involves public land, which El Dorado country definitely includes (~40%), then additional fees are encountered...there are often easements to be resolved, percolation testing, electrical and sewage access...the list goes on to eventually addressing the road issues. He also mentioned that his son, living in Santa Barbara has it even worse from a permitting cost perspective...but they love their home(s)...wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
btw, my friend is a conservative Republican...but has the good sense to not even dream of having DJT in the WH again.