Jerome Powell Fed Chairman in his testimony last week called our present economic path (with a debt of 22 Trillion $ and rising) "unsustainable". With President Obama having almost accumulated as much debt in his presidency as all of the previous presidents combined (the debt went from 10 to 20 Trillion $ approximately) and with President Trump following in his footsteps with addition Trillions to be added annually for the foreseeable future we find ourselves in a situation where the Dept/GDP ratio is now well above the 100% market which is normally considered by economists to be the tipping point for countries as they careen towards destruction of their economies and their currency.
Now let's add to the above 'unsustainable' situation, Medicare for All, guaranteed annual income, reparations all of which will cost tens of trillions of dollars and it is a formula for financial disaster. Now let's add Open Borders in a Welfare State and it's huge social costs to the mix and it doesn't take a Harvard MBA to figure out that there is little hope long term our Country as we know it. Third World here we come.
Let's continue to focus on Political Correctness, LGBT rights, phony racism complaints and Global Warming destroying us in 12 years to distract us from the real issue that will destroy US. Bankruptcy. This isn't Left or Right it's just plain Mathematics.