of Mr. Murray's argument...i.e. all those "Bad Things"...colonialism, imperialism, exploitation, etc. happened a long time ago...things are different now...people are waging a war against all the "Good" things that Western Civilization has done just to relive the past and demand reparations that aren't due them...'cause "I" didn't have any part in it.
Problem is, when it comes to "Racism", things haven't changed so much that the effects are no longer palpable...IMO, Charlottesville and the rise in Social Media activity by White Nationalists is testimony to the fact that it is very much a problem here in the U.S.. Not only that, but anti-LGBTQ activity is another form of oppression that is embedded within our GOP...witness the "Don't Say Gay" contribution from Ron DeSantis, so please don't peddle the "Don't Blame Me" smoke generator that Mr. Murray is selling...if you are excusing, or ignoring the words coming out of GOP candidates' mouths...or their refusal to castigate those who utter racist and/or anti-LGBTQ rhetoric, you are one of them.
I'll also offer you a chance to learn more, by recommending former GOP strategist, Stuart Stevens' book "It Was All A Lie" in which the first chapter is entitled "Race, the Original Republican Sin".
I'll return to Mr. Murray's video tomorrow, but candidly, I'll probably 'fast forward' in a few spots if I'm witnessing more of the first 8 minutes.
Note: As the progeny of my Irish Grandfather from Northern Ireland, I've taken the time to speak with my cousins there and do some research of my own...yes, things are considerably better, but they and I have memories of what transpired during the 'Golden Age' of Western colonialism and they are not only ugly from our POV, but those gains, from a human perspective were "Ill Gotten", paid with suffering and lives of those oppressed...and their progeny still reap the benefits...that's a fact that can't be swept under the rug. The challenge now is how to ensure such behavior never happens again, along with a heartfelt recognition of how truly "Bad" it was as we move forward together in like mind.
Mr. Murray's 'Dismissiveness' is not helping.