I don't play with the mesmerized.
The bottom line is paramount to this new America and it's time to put our money-making hats on. Forget that it lacks dignity or decorum. Money talks. The big lease that should pull in the big bucks is the naming rights to the White House. Hefty dollars for that choice piece of real estate. Think of it: Every time a newsman stands in front of the White House, the leasing rights buyer gets to hear the company name: "This is Brian Williams at the Walmart White House..." "This is Wolf Blitzer at the Miracle Gro® Rose Garden." Every corporation or billionaire will see dollar signs dancing in front of their bottom-line eyes!
This is a bonanza for our treasury. The Supreme Court has freed up our sense of propriety. Our democracy is for sale.
The Supreme Court may already be sold, but the naming rights are available.
Stay in your cocoon. I know who you are and where you live...maybe.
The game is larger than you will ever understand.
Go back to sleep, sheep.