Which there is a lot of debate over and is irrelevant to the original argument. We know what a Bonobo is and what a Chimpanzee is, they can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. But they have distinct characteristics from one another and a geneticist given a DNA sample could tell us definitively which one it came from. Also, we know what a homo sapiens sapiens is, vs a homo sapiens neanderthalensis, vs a homo sapiens denisova. They could and did all interbreed and have fertile offspring, but the differences are where the interesting conversations happen. And a geneticist can tell you how much from each lineage is in you.
So, even though a wolf could mate with a chihuahua and produce fertile offspring, the differences between them are important for classification purposes. You would most likely not want to have a wolf as a pet, and there is also a lot more interesting stuff around domestication (Russia fox study, for example).
If I were to describe a person as having red hair, blue eyes and freckles to you, would you suggest that it's just as likely that they derived from indigenous populations in South America as any other origin?