Articulating logical objections to Trump's policies is entirely sane and reasonable. TDS sufferers rarely do that. Instead, they offer temper tantrums, endless catastrophizing, ludicrous comparisons to actual murderers of tens of millions, justifications for ending friendships and even familial relationships, denunciations of half of the country as inbred inferiors, and excitement at the shooting of Trump. Forget about therapy or drugs, they just need to grow up. Sometimes you lose. Sometimes your guy loses. Sometimes you have to admit you were wrong. None of those things are big deals unless you choose to make them into big deals. They choose their rage and suffering. Or, maybe more accurately, they chose their rage and suffering for a time, before it was integrated into their personality. Many of them would lose the purpose of their lives if Trump disappeared tomorrow. They would have to create a replacement. Eventually, I think they could comfortably replace Trump with DeSantis as the root of all evil, provided that he remains on the national stage and perhaps runs for president again. I think they would easily imagine him creating concentration camps for lefties after Trump fails to do this.