What you describe in print started even before Gen Z. Millennials were poisoned with whole language English instruction. They were also the first generation to have most of its members raised with 24/7 technology. It will get only get worse, in terms of English. Much more frightening is what will happen and what is happening within healthcare. Doctors have to read. All the time. Med school students today do not read. And, of course, many are there not because of intellect. There's a good chance that one of them will be treating you when you end up in the ER. I have a couple docs in the family. One is on-call a couple times a month and deals with ER situations. He's frightened by what he sees from young docs in ERs. Many simply don't know what they're doing and rely on older docs like himself. And I don't just mean brand-new, fresh out of med school docs. What happens when Boomers and Gen Z retire? No society can sustain itself on anything but meritocracy.
As for customer service, we are increasingly losing our ability to communicate with others face-to-face, with this phenomenon most striking among the young. And, of course, failed parenting strategies explain some of this. I absolutely love the new term, "gentle parenting." This used to be called, "lousy parenting," or, "not parenting." Behavior choices have consequences. Sometimes, very big consequences. This is the cue for whatsisname to cry, "Every generation says this about the previous one!" Except, there is a mountain of data on all different things showing that Gen Z is very different from other generations. Mountains.