He's the quintessence of a MSM "journalist." The recent election has exposed the obsolescence of the MSM and fools like him.
Trump will hit the ground running and turn this country around. He has a popular vote mandate to rule. People are sick of the four catastrophic years of Biden-Harris. They want to be able to afford gas and groceries and houses again. They're sick of illegals and all the woke, DEI, gender-bending bullshit. Catholics are sick of the anti-Catholcism: 400 Catholic churches were vandalized and that cocksucker Garland didn't lift a finger to investigate. They're sick of his sending an FBI SWAT team to extract a pro-life father from his house in front of his terrified family. They're sick of Garland's goons infiltrating conservative Catholic parishes to get "intel." They're sick of Dodger pride and fucking drag shows.
No, Trump won't turn the presidency over to someone else. There's no Barry Obama behind the curtain this time. He's a leader; he'll lead the way. He almost got killed twice. He's on a mission to get this country back on its feet.
Just watch and see, O'Donnell, you pathetic asshole!