Like any plea deal in America, defense counsel wanted finality for his client, particularly contemplating the prospect of Trump 2.0 prosecuting Hunter for Ukraine malarkey.
The understanding going into the plea by both parties was that all investigations re Hunter would be done and dusted. When plea was held up because the inexperienced judge had technical questions re the diversion part of the plea, Weiss caved to “sweetheart deal” pressure from the House, and thereafter would not commit to finality on other potential criminality.
Keep in mind that no evidence of other financial crimes (Biden Crime family nonsense) was uncovered by federal prosecutors after 5 years of digging, nor by Comer’s subcommittee.
Nevertheless, Hunter didn’t want to deal with the consternation and cost of having to defend other allegations, even if meritless. That is, he didn’t want a Trump led DOJ playing a cat ‘n mouse game down the road.
That is why the plea fell through.
It is also the #1 reason why President Biden issued a pardon.
Had we been looking at President Elect Nikki Haley, there would not have been a Pardon for Hunter.
Trump winning the election last month was the game changer, knowing the Revenge Tour is about to unleash.