That's tragedy, especially for Syria that has been secular country for over half century and Christians, Muslims and non religious groups have got along very well in this country.
History doesn't repeat itself, but It often rhymes.
US used radical Muslim (ben laden) to the fight against Soviets-backed secular Afghanistan. Afghanistan turned out to become a backward religious country and terrorists heaven.
Then US stupidly turned another secular ME country Iraq into a Islamic state by throwing out Saddam, which US suffered 47k casualties and Iraqi people over 1 million
Then again, US turned the largest secular Arabic country Egypt into Muslim Brotherhood country by betraying secular Mubarak regime. Fortunately Muslim Brotherhood regime is short lived.
As we all know Islam, unlike Christianity, doesn't
have reform in its history and therefore no separation between state and religion. So, for a country of Islam religion, secular government which means you can have any religious belief but your religion is not in national politics, is always a better choice. Actually this is the way how Europe experienced, i.e. from dark age to Christianity reform, to secular states and finally to become modern states. But warmongering neocon never understand this point. They're very shortsighted and shallow.