scores of others documenting what a disgusting human being you've chosen to support...and it isn't just Racism that defines him...check out this excerpt...does it warm your heart?...just imagine what he would say about "Special Needs Kids"...not unlike Baron's...
BARBARA RES: We met with the architect to go over the elevator-cab interiors at Trump Tower, and there were little dots next to the numbers. Trump asked what the dots were, and the architect said, “It’s braille.” Trump was upset by that. He said, “Get rid of it.” The architect said, “I’m sorry; it’s the law.” This was before the Americans With Disabilities Act, but New York City had a law. Trump’s exact words were: “No blind people are going to live in this building.”
If this is who you think should be the face of America, then YOU are just as disgusting as he joke.