as for JB and the Afghanistan withdrawal...Those Afghanis falling off the landing gear were terrified of what the Taliban would do to them...we knew this...and U.S. Afghan Vets did especially...they lobbied Congress to provide more visas and assistance for the hundreds of thousands who helped keep them alive as interpreters and soldiers. YET...Trump did all he could to NOT aid them...he virtually stopped all Special Visas for Afghanis from the moment he entered the WH...and his "Deal" with the Taliban called for a May 1 withdrawal and only 2,500 U.S. troops for protection...i.e. zero time to get them out...ergo ZERO EMPATHY for their plight...exactly the way a Sociopathic Malignant Narcissist would act.
So what did JB do upon taking office?...he ramped up the Special Visa process...negotiated more time for the withdrawal (May 1 ---> Late August)...worked with allied nations to also take in Afghanis...and in spite of a crumbling Afghani Military he got over 180,000 of them OUT...that's what you call true EMPATHY...and CHARACTER. The only "Mistake" in all of that was trying too hard for too long amidst dwindling protection (couldn't up our troop count w/o giving the Taliban an excuse to attack our troops) and increasing threats (e.g. ISIS suicide bomber).
Looks like you need a refresher on what constitutes a Sociopathic Malignant read the link...and as a primer, check out this excerpt...
10 Signs of a Malignant Narcissist
Malignant narcissists often experience severe dysfunctions in their personal relationships, work, and ability to function in other areas of life.3,6 Their reckless behavior, disregard for others, and inability to form healthy relationships can make them easier to spot than people with fewer traits or more mild or ‘covert’ forms of narcissism.
Below are 10 common signs of a malignant narcissist:
1. They Use, Abuse, & Discard People
One of the main signs of a malignant narcissist is their long history of using, abusing, and discarding people who are no longer useful to them. Those closest to them will often see a pattern of broken relationships and friendships, as well as family members and significant others who have become useless or irrelevant to them. A malignant narcissist may very quickly drop someone after they’ve used this person to fulfill their narcissistic supply.
2. They Are Obsessed With Power
Malignant narcissists are often hungry for power and obsessed with ways to get more of it. They often vie for jobs that afford them this power or form relationships with people who are vulnerable to their control. Because they lack the ability to find worth within themselves, they have an extreme need for positions of superiority to make them feel successful.
3. Everything Is Personal for Them
To a malignant narcissist, everything is personal. If a person makes a joke about them, forgets to call them back, or if they are passed over for a promotion at work, they will be deeply offended and angry, triggering a narcissistic collapse. In the narcissist’s world, there is no such thing as an explanation for why someone does not treat them in the way they expect (and in their mind, deserve) to be treated.
4. They Hold Grudges & Take Revenge
A malignant narcissist is easily offended and when they are, their revenge can be brutal. People with this personality disorder tend to hold long grudges against anyone who has wronged or slighted them in any way. Even disagreeing with them, providing feedback, or questioning something said can result in swift, anger-filled revenge. A malignant narcissist may punish others by lashing out, ignoring them, or even cutting them off altogether.
5. They Take Pleasure From the Suffering of Others
Malignant narcissists can be cruel and even display traits similar to those with sadistic personality disorder, seeming to take a sick pleasure or satisfaction in the suffering of others. They may laugh or mock, intentionally humiliate, or use personal knowledge against someone. Unfortunately, this also means that they can be predators who will manipulate, abuse, and exploit people, either for personal gain or just for fun.
6. Nothing Is Ever Their Fault
Narcissists (and especially malignant narcissists) usually do not take the blame for any of their words or actions, even when they’re clearly in the wrong. Instead, they tend to lash out, get defensive, and find ways to blame other people, even when they have to bend and distort the truth to do so.
7. They Are Ruthless in Their Pursuit of What They Want
Malignant narcissists will often be ruthless in their pursuit of power, wealth, success, or recognition. When they want something, there may not be any line they’re unwilling to cross to get it, even at the direct expense of others who they say they care about. They may lie, manipulate, use, or even discredit people in order to get what they want.
8. They Don’t Have a Conscience
A lack of empathy or regard for the feelings of others is a symptom of both APD and NPD, and is common in malignant narcissists. People with this personality type will often have no remorse or regret for things they’ve done that have caused harm. Sometimes, it may be necessary to fake remorse in order to get what they want. However, typically they will admit no wrongdoing at all and genuinely don’t feel bad for their behavior.
9. They Have Many Enemies
It should come as no surprise that a malignant narcissist will have a long list of enemies, usually one that includes former friends, lovers, and members of their own family. They tend to make enemies easily as even the slightest offense can cause them to discard anyone. Because relationships are only a means to an end for them, it’s fairly easy for a malignant narcissist to break off a tie, even with those close to them.
10. No One Will See Their Insecurities
Deep down, narcissists are extremely insecure. However, a malignant narcissist will never let these insecurities show to others. Instead, they will become defensive, lash out, shut down, or even destroy relationships when they feel threatened. They will often mask their low self-esteem behind a façade of arrogance or grandiosity.
Fits Donald J. Trump to a "Tee"...doesn't it...Oh, and using that clip of JP as backup only proves that he's trying to Gaslight his audience re: Trump's "Compassion"'d have to be comatose to not see DJT constantly calling for harm to others...just like a Sociopathic Malignant Narcissist would.