would never be considered for a Top Secret Clearance, or any level Clearance ...Amazing...here are the areas of concern for evaluators of those seeking such a clearance (see link for more details)...
Why an applicant may be denied a security clearance
Various reasons exist for why an applicant may be denied a security clearance. The primary considerations in an investigation are the individual’s honesty, candor, and thoroughness in the completion of their security clearance forms.
Every effort is made to determine whether the granting or continuing eligibility for a security clearance is consistent with the interests of national security. A wide variety of factors may be investigated.
The scope of a security clearance background investigation is likely to include the following personal characteristics, proclivities, and behavior. Any indication that the applicant may have substantial problems in any of these areas will likely raise a flag indicating a need for further investigation and possible denial of the clearance.
Allegiance to the United States...DJT trusts Vladimir Putin more than our own Intelligence Services (see "Helsinki")
Potential for foreign influence...A GOP Senate Intel Committee found clear evidence of collusion between Trump's campaign and Russian operatives
A foreign preference...DJT says Russia should do whatever it wants wrt our NATO allies...along with helping him win the U.S. Presidency
Sexual behavior...You'd have to be comatose to not be aware of his sexual assaults, including Rape, according the the statutes of dozens of states.
Personal conduct...Shall we say...'Unpleasant'?
Financial considerations...DJT is in desperate need of $$$ to bail himself out of hundreds of millions in Civil judgements, plus a business that hasn't the best Cash Flows
Alcohol consumption...DJT can't blame Drinking as the cause of his problems
Drug involvement and substance misuse...Rumors of Adderall usage, but no corroboration
Emotional, mental, and personality disorders...Off-The-Charts Malignant Narcissism
Criminal conduct...Convicted of 34 Felony Counts...and awaiting three other Felony trials
Handling protected information...One of those Felony Trials involves taking, hiding and obstructing the return of Top Secret documents.
Outside activities...Cheats at Golf
Misuse of information technology...Clogs up Social Media with ridiculous and false posts
Unpaid bills, as well as criminal charges, will often disqualify an applicant for approval. However, bankruptcy will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and is not an automatic disqualifier. Poor financial history is the number-one cause of rejection, and foreign activities and criminal records are also common causes for disqualification.
How on earth did we get to this situation after starting with such an outstanding President, like George Washington???...the only answer is that our Electorate has Failed Miserably in choosing such a man.
btw, everything written here is documented truth...not some Made Up Fantasy...Incredible.
Link: https://cybersecurityguide.org/resources/security-clearance/