employees and contractors who are hired to assist government operations...checkout the categories covered in the attached Wiki overview of COVID Mandates. Note that most of them have to do with HC workers, along with our military...as I stated. Also, there were Federal Mandates for OSHA employees.
As for school vaccination mandates they were issued by states and not all states imposed them. You are entitled to your opinion on why they were imposed, but protecting teachers from illness and possible death are the most logical, IMO.
btw, Baron made this statement regarding 'Mandates'...". but I NEVER approve of coercion being used on anyone to get a shot that they don’t want….that is ASSAULT.", and made no exceptions...even for critically needed HC workers, Police, Fire, Military and other vital government functions that impact citizens well being, both physical and economic. That's a formula inviting chaos in the face of a roaring deadly pandemic...in a word...Stupid.
Now, how about all the other claims Baron made that I addressed...don't be shy...challenge me.
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_vaccination_mandates_in_the_United_States