his role as President...getting critical legislation passed (Infrastructure Act...CHIPS Act) while restoring admiration and respect for our Presidency among foreign leaders and allies (see videos of them laughing at DJT behind his back). Go to the 36:00 mark of the video below and watch Joe handle the MAGAs with no teleprompter, cue cards or whispers in his ear...btw, then compare, in the same time frame, with DJT's speech performances with Sharks, EVs, Hannibal Lector, and the "Weave"...nothing even close to Biden's SOTU speech with coherent, off-the-cuff remarks and even a touch of humor. As typical of MAGAs, you fantasize while ignoring the reality of a man with Malignant Narcissism defining everything he thinks or does, and leading to Felony Crimes, Rape, Fraud and attempted Insurrection agains our Constitution.
I have no problem extolling Joe Biden's performance in office...while you have the task of defending Donald Trump. You make poor choices, Ned.
Link: https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=biden%27s+2024+SOTU+speech&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:3b419993,vid:al7ont2noYA,st:0