evidence of Global Warming/Climate Change due to the burning of Fossil Fuels, it is critical that we shift to Nuclear Power for true 'Energy Independence, along with judicious use of Solar and Wind Power where 'Variability' is not a problem. As posted before, the U.S. has approximately 49 Bbls of Proven Oil Reserves, but a yearly consumption rate of 7.4 Bbls, which leaves us with only 6.4 years before depletion...and ~100 Mbls of that consumption goes to our Military, so this is truly a National Security issue.
Even if we were lucky enough to Triple that amount overnight, we clearly still have a MAJOR problem with heat and power for the future...i.e. the very near future fo our kids and all those to follow. btw, it has also been posted before that 'Fracking' is "Peaking"...it was great for a few years, but no longer...and any new drilling won't give us the long term security we need.
Trump's "Drill, Baby, Drill" strategy is Suicidal for America...we need to use only enough O&G to bridge the gap in time to when sufficient numbers of NP Plants are in place to meet the needs for Heat and Power demands...estimated to be in the 2050 time frame.
"Energy" is a non-partisan issue...let's face facts and get TOGETHER to ensure the futures of ALL Americans.
Link: https://www.eia.gov/naturalgas/crudeoilreserves/#:~:text=Oil%20highlights,end%202022%20(Table%201).