1) If you are a walker or hiker, consider Hadrian's Wall. You can book a three-day hike through the most beautiful section of the wall and stay in B&B's. Your luggage gets carted to your destination each day. ten-twelve miles per day. Incredible history and stunning landscapes. BMail if interested and I will send you a link.
2) Edinburgh is great. The castle is really something. There is a group of AirB&Bs right on the edge of the castle - basically perched on the wall.
3) York is worth a day.
4) Stay in Bath or Bristol for a few days, Stonehenge and Salisbury Cathedral are day-trippable from there. Bath is really great. Cardiff is also an easy train ride for a half day. If you are a Top Gear fan, Jeremy Clarkson's farm is also an easy trip...watch his show Clarkson's Farm on Prime(?) for a warmup.
5) Falmouth or Penzance for a look at Cornwall. There are also great coastal walks here...same companies that run the Hadrian Wall walks.
6) Devon is interesting as well.
7) There are great walking tours of London. Google London Pub Walks. The walks in Hampstead and Notting Hill are great (find the one that stops in at the Windsor Castle pub).
Always look at the trains for trips between cities in England. Often much more speedy/convenient than, say, flying from London to Newcastle.