would just count on people not reading the body of post or a link and then go on to further the falsehood of something already covered and proven wrong.
I suspect (as do several others) that he was a paid poster - he showed up just before the '20 election and was pretending to be politically neutral and just wanting to talk about issues. But his schtick became quickly apparent, and he underestimated the caliber of the board.
If he was paid, I doubt that he would be at this point given the failure of his party as well as his failure to convince people here.
Thank you for the heads up, but I don't give any credence to his nonsense. He is a hard line Marxist, he loathes Catholic doctrine that cannot be piggy backed upon to advance his political agenda. He googles and then pretends to be an expert, but he does not know how to apply the information that he uncovers - on just about everything. His efforts at medicine during COVID were transparently ignorant.
He has been proven wrong on every COVID issue that was under contention between us, yet both his pride and his lack of understanding will not allow him to admit to any of it.
I am not surprised to hear you say that he has gotten personal - all else has failed for him.
That's about all anyone needs to know about the guy. I'll interact with most board members, but I have no time for the disingenuous.