links that don't get refuted. Even in our on-going debate over abortion, I've always presented corroborated evidence, like Pope Francis' statement on 'Fetal Personhood', or the RCC Catechism's paragraph on "Just War" Killings...which are unquestionably 'Credible', but somehow unacceptable to you.
You may not like the things I have to say, but IMO all of them are at least as credible as the responses I've gotten, which in many cases are devoid of substance and therefore truly Not Credible...but I carry on in the faith that Truth will win out in the end.
btw, speaking of our on-going debate on abortion I've given you credible evidence that the RCC has never taught that fetal personhood begins at conception...and you have yet to present credible evidence to the contrary. I've also provided credible evidence that millions of women will testify, on any chosen day, that during their reproductive lifetimes, they have been victimized by a forced or coerced pregnancy...something you have yet to acknowledge, and possibly please don't accuse others of not being "Credible"...just because they present a stronger case than you are able to compile.
Now, back to the OP...I've provided credible video and written evidence that our Oil Industry can't possibly afford to refine enough of any new drilling (e.g. from Fracking) to make us "Energy Independent" and that with our very limited Proven Reserves, we will very soon be totally reliant on foreign sources for our energy...IF...we don't band together to make sure that ASAP we switch over to Nuclear and Renewable Sources for Heat and Power...thus leaving the FF Industry to focus on other...and equally important uses.