that demographic, but not the when, a 'conceptual' issue like our "Democracy" is on the table, the majority of college educated voters "Get It", but many of the others don't. In truth, it's on the Dems to communicate better, but the non-college educated, as a group, will find it hard to do the necessary Critical Thinking to see through a skilled Populist campaign built on misinformation and lies.
Looking to the future, given that the GOP has shifted toward a Plutocracy that serves only corporate ownership and the wealthiest among us (we've been here before...(e.g. 1920's) won't be hard to find real life stories that can, and should, be presented to ALL Americans...including, and especially, those w/o a college degree.
Our immediate problem is dealing with DJT who is the Antithesis of a Public Servant. He actually goes out of his way to harm those who don't show loyalty to him or criticize him...(as if such behavior never happened in this country before)...rather than go out of his way to find common ground and 'give something, to get something' "Make a Deal" which would build trust for the next Deal...and the one after that...and when combined, help to....get this...."Make America Even Greater"....sound like a good idea?...sure it is...but we know that is impossible for an off-the-charts Malignant Narcissist...his brain doesn't work that, we have to work hard on our Representatives and Senators to pick up the slack...contain DJT...and hopefully get positive bipartisan legislation passed.