Not good, IMO. but that's where we are.
Without doing any research, I would not be surprised if (1) POTUS could not outrihht, directly bar men from competing in women's sports by executive order; but (2) POTUS could withhold federal dollars from institutions which allow it, and withhold visas from men fraudulently trying to enter the country as women to compete in womens sports, etc.
And, of course, as a federalist and a fiscal conservative, it is a bonus if he withholds federal cash from anyone. Stop stealing from the next generations so that we can play bullshit, antiscience political games.
There may be a women's civil rights issue here as well, but that is definitely not my area. If so, he could direct the DOJ to investigate.
The Dems voted for a lawless Biden, forgiving loans by EO to buy votes when courts said it was illegal, etc., so it is hypocritical for them to criticize Trump for testing the limits of EO power as well.
No one would be happier than I if Congress restored for itself such powers. I think EOs make it harder for other countries to deal with us, and in general cause societal whiplash with each change in power. But, until Congress reclaims its delegated powers, we might as well have a fair playing field. And, judging by the Rally for Bureaucracy, Congress will instead fight for increased powers of unelected bureaucracies, rather than reclaiming their authority. But, we shall see.