First of the attached link explains...Most human embryos naturally die after conception
...from the attached commentary...
Many state legislatures are seriously considering human embryos at the earliest stages of development for legal personhood. Total abortion bans that consider humans to have full rights from the moment of conception have created a confusing legal domain that affects a wide range of areas, including assisted reproductive technologies, contraception, essential medical care and parental rights, among others.
However, an important biological feature of human embryos has been left out of a lot of ethical and even scientific discussion informing reproductive policy – most human embryos die before anyone, including doctors, even know they exist. This embryo loss typically occurs in the first two months after fertilization, before the clump of cells has developed into a fetus with immature forms of the body’s major organs. Total abortion bans that define personhood at conception mean that full legal rights exist for a 5-day-old blastocyst, a hollow ball of cells roughly 0.008 inches (0.2 millimeters) across with a high likelihood of disintegrating within a few days.
As an evolutionary biologist whose career has focused on how embryos develop in a wide variety of species over the course of evolution, I was struck by the extraordinarily high likelihood that most human embryos die due to random genetic errors. Around 60% of embryos disintegrate before people may even be aware that they are pregnant. Another 10% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, after the person knows they’re pregnant. These losses make clear that the vast majority of human embryos don’t survive to birth.
The facts above go to the question of "Personhood", which Pope Francis commented on a couple of years ago when he said that Fetal Personhood was debated within the Catholic Church. Below is a critique of that statement, which nonetheless acknowledges that the RCC Magisterium has never taught that Personhood begins at conception.
...from that paper...
What does all of this mean? Well, for one thing, it is clear that the Magisterium has acknowledged on multiple occasions that there is a debate about personhood. It is also clear that the Church has not always considered the life of a human person to begin at conception, nor has the Church definitively taught this...
Baron's misguided and myopic view of Conception and Personhood also fails to consider that there are other Religions that consider Personhood to begin many weeks into a pregnancy (e.g. at "Quickening"), or at Birth (e.g. many Jews)...and there are good, right minded citizens in this country who have no religion. Therefore, our government needs to be mindful of ALL citizens...and btw, that includes the Key Person in all of these discussions...The WOMAN who becomes pregnant...especially the hundreds of thousands who are forced or coerced into pregnancies they never wanted, which have life changing consequences...including maternal death. THEY MUST HAVE A CHOICE in whether or not to carry their pregnancies to term.
Note that Baron is an OB/GYN Physician...and even within that community, he is in a distinct minority, since the leadership of his specialty organization, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), has STRONGLY supported the OPTION of Abortion for women.
None of this "Champions" Abortion for Abortion's is all focused on Justice for the one PERSON in the debate...the WOMAN. Amazingly, Baron...the OB/GYN...doesn't get it.