>Social Media Companies...since SMCs use 'Algorithms' to amplify opinions beyond what the "Organic" response would naturally be, they are in essence "Editorializing" and therefore should not be shielded from Accountability by "230 Protections"...just like Legacy Media are vulnerable to charges of Slander and Defamation. Scott is calling for a "Middle Ground" on this topic...and I agree with him. What's your take?
>Manhood...Scott sees that quality in terms of "Protecting"..."Providing For"...and "Serving" others...not simply Opposing outsiders. I liked the vignette about his 2-3 yr old son...on his own volition...trying to heft a pitcher of water and pouring it for guests at the dinner table...i.e. seeing his role as a "Provider" and "Server" to others.
In another back and forth, when Konstantin mentions his 2 yr old and what he tells him...Scott notes that his kids are 14 and 17, and comments that he really doesn't believe anyone can really "Tell" kids that age...what to do, and make it stick...rather he believes that he needs to "Model" the behavior they should adopt with his everyday life.
I strongly believe in this as well. From my own life experience...when I was around 7 or 8 yrs old, we were living in an apartment in Queens, NY...my Dad was a pilot flying cross country, so he was gone for several days at a time...I now had a younger brother and my Mom needed some help...so they hired a Black woman as a helper. My Mom treated her as more of a friend than an hired hand...and made it very clear that whatever the woman said or asked of me, I was to do it without question. Just by the respect and appreciation my Mom displayed toward her, naturally every day, I learned to treat others like that woman the same way...to this day.
That's it for the moment...what did you get out of the podcast?