and raised its dollar amount. This was called EB-5, i.e. Employment Based immigration fifth preference. It has been here since I came to U.S., i.e. 1990s. At that time the requirement for EB-5 was $1m with creation of 10 jobs. For certain region like Alaska, it dropped to $500k or something like that. It is investment based immigration. But nobody know why it is categorized into Employment based immigration with fifth preference.
EB-1 is the first preference of employment based immigration. If you're internationally recognized scholar, scientist, pianist like Langlang, or athlete like NBA players, you're in EB-1.
EB-2 and EB-3 are the most common types among employment based immigration. I was in EB-2. Don't know EB-4. Then the last preference is EB-5.
Seems Trump separates old EB-5 from that category, renames it and makes it top preference as EB-1.
Yes, you're right. The bar of "gold card" of most countries is pretty low.