come right out and assert or imply "Collusion" w/o the DOJ making such a claim, which has serious legal implications they aren't chartered to express....all they can do is "Investigate" and "Report" on what they found (see link)...which btw, was substantial evidence of just such behavior...please don't try and tell me or the rest of this forum that Trump's Campaign Manager, Paul Manafort, meeting with a Russian Operative, Konstantin Kilimnik, to provide campaign internal polling data in advance of the 2016 election was not "Colluding"...and note that the 'Volume 5' of that report had a lot more evidence to support that conclusion.
Now as to the Abortion comments are fully supported with evidence...
>Pope Francis could have ended the debate with a statement that fetal "Personhood" begins at Conception...but he didn't...instead he rightly said it is "Debated". That was a couple of years ago and he hasn't recanted...
>I've also provided the same documentation as a 'Pro-Life' poster, which attempts to minimize the impact of our Pope's statement, yet even that author admits that neither the RCC, nor the "Magisterium" have taught that Personhood begins at Conception.
>While Fetal Personhood is debated, there has been no information given as to the substance of that debate...we can only, I've done some research and ended up posting data from one of Evolutionary Biologist...who reports that ~60% of fertilized ova NEVER develop to the point of even a Doctor being able to detect the conception, and another 10% end up as a miscarriage...which leaves the RCC in a theological quandary...i.e. how to 'account' for such real world occurrences?...btw, "Limbo" is no longer an option. Therein lies the Debate.
>Not to be forgotten in this higher level debate over Abortion, is the fact that there are other citizens in the U.S. who practice different faiths...or none at all...and they believe that Personhood begins either at several weeks into a pregnancy (e.g. "Quickening"), or at Birth.
>>>So your and others' claim that Personhood begins at Conception is not true. Once you accept that, we can move on and deal reasonably with the Abortion issue.
>Then there's the fact that our RCC Catechism allows for the "Killing" of true Persons...Innocent as well as Sinful in what are called "Just Wars" IF certain conditions are present...which serves as a reference point for decision making in Abortion cases. (see "Prudential Judgement")
If you disagree with what I said...and I have zero problem with that...just make sure you provide more than just your order to get to the truth, we all need evidence...i.e. reasonable and responsible documentation.
Before turning it over to you, let me give you a glimpse of where I see this case you haven't seen my many earlier posts. This is not a perfect world...we may and should want to make it much better, but we need to deal with our imperfections right this case, women are being forced and coerced into life changing, and threatening, pregnancies they NEVER WANTED...therefore, since those biological attacks on their reproductive systems initially involves a "Potential Person", there is an opportunity, through a process used by our RCC, called "Prudential Judgement" to allow such women to judge for themselves whether or not to carry the pregnancy to term...AND...for all people...Men and dramatically increase efforts to achieve 1) Availability of Contraceptives...2) Sex & Sexuality Education...and 3) Programs that make it much more viable for women to carry pregnancies to term.
Bottom Line...Women need Justice...not government intrusion into their lives by people who could not possibly fairly judge the causes of their pregnancies...or the disruption to their lives...current and future.