...and there is a good amount of truth in that imo.
Trump is in the process of equalizing untenable tariff inequities with "allies" who have taken full advantage of a bad leadership. He didn't have time to address the idea of Reciprocal Tariffs back in 2020 because COVID hit and the wisely felt that the world didn't need that added stress at the time.
This is a good move in the longterm and much more likely even the short term because both Canada and Mexico will acquiesce to being fair in trade, stopping their border dumping and cartel activity and drug imports.
To go on with the world inequities in trade now saddled with the COVID Relief Bill and the "Inflation Reduction (ha!) Act" and the unending donations to Ukraine for the war while the Euros mooch yet again.....the US would not be able to keep it up.
Once the lesser battles for fairness with the US with these two is accomplished, it's on to the EU. Then after that, the biggest perpetrator of tariff terrorism - our true greatest enemy - China.
Look at these dips as buying opportunities. If not, look at them as necessary for the US.
If not, at least grant America the right to fair trade.
If not, move to Europe if they will take you with their restrictive, value based citizenship laws.