pass in memory of his son, Beau's death...which had a lot to do with the video clip you linked.
Since that clip was only a few minutes of a discussion lasting over an hour, I decided to view the entire session and have included it here. Often times those "Sound Bites" such as you chose, leave out critical information that can totally change the message it's trying to put in point...your clip did not show the immediate discussion between Jon Stewart and MIT PhD career bureaucrat, Kathleen Hicks, where she explained the reason WHY the DOD was unable to pass an audit...EVER. It's because the immense DOD doesn't have the requisite modern SOFTWARE...that private firms do...(like "SAP" integrated S/W)...AND that it will take on the order of 10 YEARS to omplement IF Congress provides the needed funding.....That has NOTHING to do with Waste or Fraud...even if JS doesn't acknowledge it.
Here's that Full back and forth between Stewart and Hicks...for convenience, go to the 0:29:30 mark for "Bureaucracy Issues"...0:36:20 mark for "Audit Explanation"...and 1:01:40 for "Lobbyists' Influence". Of course the best thing for you to do...if you care at all about the issue you to watch the entire event video...especially the very end where JS applauds KH for her work.
Bottom Line...You're being Lied to by whoever made that clip...beware, all you who rely on short clips and don't do any "Critical Thinking" or research. Should we be continually seeking out 'Waste and Fraud'?...Absolutely...but do it intelligently and professionally...with knowledgable people who understand the entire agency/government Inspectors General, and Deputy Secretaries, like Ms Hicks.