cause for Global Warming/Climate Change. Unfortunately, that phenomenon can't account for the very recent change in atmospheric CO2 content (see my previous response to you) combined with increased global tropospheric temperatures (see Dr. Roy Spencer's global satellite temperature data).
for 800,000 years...through many Milankovitch Cycles and Ice Ages, we've never had CO2 concentration levels above 300, in the relatively infinitesimally short time period of 150 yrs, we're at 425 ppm...and rising sharply. This has produced "Green House Warming" which no physicist denies.
Now let's see your response...with 'Specificity'...or not.
Once again, even Exxon's disclosed internal documentation admits that global warming is being caused by the burning of Fossil Fuels for Heat and Power. This rapid a change in human living and food producing conditions, if left unchecked this would be devastating for our children, grandchildren and all those to follow...they won't be able to adjust in time. It is our duty to keep that from happening, even though harm is being and will be done.
Given that having sufficient and reliable energy is the basis for modern living, we can't walk away from this difficult as it is...don't be a quitter, Ned.
Oh, and one more thing...those Fossil Fuel resources are not "Infinite"...BP projects there are only ~47 years of Global Proven Oil Reserves remaining at current consumption rates...just saying, in case you need mor 'justification' for taking ACTION to shift away from FFs for Heat and Power. (and saving them for ALL the myriad uses we depend on).