Not that I necessarily agree with all of it. Snowden's leaks certainly went beyond leaking that we were intercepting Iranian emails and the details of how we are targeting and killing known terrorists in Pakistan. I'd like to see him pardoned on most of his "crimes" (i.e., specifically the leaks of the domestic surveillance program), but other of his leaks are damaging to US security, and he seems to be leaking these just to spite the US, and possibly win favor with the rest of the world. You can't pardon him for leaking national security info that had nothing to do with domestic spying.
One thing I don't blame Snowden for is fleeing to China and Russia. If he went anywhere else in the world, he would have been immediately handed over to the US and possibly sent to Guantanamo or at a minimum given the Bradley Manning treatment. Unfortunately, going to Russia specifically obviously required that he provide them some information (otherwise Putin would have sent him packing).