Gad Saad defines it as: "Sufferers of OPS do not believe their lying eyes and construct an alternate reality known as unicornia. In such a world, science, reason, rules of causality, evidentiary thresholds, a near-infinite amount of data, data analytic procedures, inferential statistics, the epistemological rules inherent to the scientific method, rules of logic, historical patterns, daily patterns, and common sense, are all rejected."
In turn, they construct fantastical, tortured, improbable explanations and excuses to avoid such realities. In this case, the apparent phenomenon of black folks not wanting to come back to work or arriving late is attributable not to the common factors that typically explain this phenomenon for members of all racial/ethnic groups, but is instead attributable to things like comments or looks interpreted to be mean, though rarely verified, and to perceptions of danger that fly in the face of all supportable data in existence, which demonstrate that they are exponentially safer today than decades ago. These things all go out the window as guilt-ridden people with credentials attempt to avoid the uncomfortable reality.