Replies to: "Good job comrade."
- Beyond 9/11, what other events of your life do you remember exactly where you were and.... - Nigel Tufnel - 9:21am 9/11/19
(36) [View All]
- 4/22-6/4,1989. Remember almost everyday where I were/did in this period. - Eli - 5:36pm 9/11/19
- I suspect many here remember where they were on the evening of November 8, 2016. [NT]
- NedoftheHill - 2:38pm 9/11/19
- Just the Challenger explosion. - AlbanyIRISH - 11:06am 9/11/19
- June 11, 1979; October 23, 1983 - conorlarkin - 11:05am 9/11/19
- Family births and deaths aside-then Moon Landing, 9/11, Challenger, Pope JPII shot,Reagan shot, [NT]
- BaronVonZemo - 10:44am 9/11/19
- Remember moon landing. Lennon being shot and others. None like 9/11...since I was few blocks away. [NT]
- TakethetrainKnute - 10:10am 9/11/19
- I was in Gallen's Vivo in Rathmullen when the King of Pop died. - LehighND - 10:05am 9/11/19
- JFK, MLK and RFK assassinations. Little else compares. 9/11 the worst though. [NT]
- THEISMANCARR - 9:54am 9/11/19
- Other than the obvious, wedding, kids’ birth, death of parents....nothing close to 9/11. - Frank L - 9:32am 9/11/19
- JFK assassination tops my list... of course I was a Catholic teenager then and idolized him. [LINK]
- Curly1918 - 9:27am 9/11/19