Replies to: "Yeah, bullying is great. Ditto racism and xenophobia. All great."
- Trump's America -- Lying, Cheating, Bullying — new virtues to teach our children [NT]
- conorlarkin - 1:25pm 2/13/20
(67) [View All]
- We're so sorry that 1% more of the silent majority speaks up for itself now. - jakers - 3:47pm 2/13/20
- you libs are walking, talking validation for one of your most cherished policies.... - und67 - 3:19pm 2/13/20
- The current R role models: Moscow Mitch, Lindsey the Orange bitch, Gym Jordan, Moo Nunes, Mustang - Frank L - 3:03pm 2/13/20
- Or you could have the perspective of this democrat... [LINK]
- IrishMac - 2:29pm 2/13/20
- Then don’t nominate Chairman Mao or Doogie Howser. [NT]
- Frank L - 2:20pm 2/13/20
- It will take decades to recover from this administration. Assuming it does not go on 4 more years. - Chris94 - 1:53pm 2/13/20
- Do you ever get tired of this all day? Do you have a job? You’re consumed [NT]
- PBHangingChad - 1:48pm 2/13/20
- Armageddon! Border security, jobs, economic prosperity, Better trade deal, tax cuts, deregulation, - BaronVonZemo - 1:46pm 2/13/20
- Great isn’t it. Love it more everyday. - TampaIrish - 1:38pm 2/13/20