We were caught flatfooted because the nation did not get out in front of this.
Trump did not help as he downplayed it until about a week ago.
We were "on notice" 6 -8 weeks ago that a pandemic was coming. It required a strong proactive response -- shut down travel, ramp up production of supplies and test kits, freeze in place.
It required a leader with the vision and political courage to communicate that the nation needed to jump on a small hand grenade before we were hit with a monster hand grenade. South Korea did so.
Trump (like many posters including you, Baron) belittled the threat. Made fun of the media "hysteria."
And now we are in a shit storm.
Work the problem.
[Edit for typos]
Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/19/us/politics/trump-coronavirus-outbreak.html?action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage