from the article...
"Unfortunately for drivers, gas prices often go up during the summer, starting around Memorial Day.
In May 2022, U.S. consumers are paying an average of $1.50 per gallon more than they were at the same time in 2021, according to AAA. The reasons are many and varied, but two causes are soaring inflation and the fact that many countries, including the U.S., have cut off oil imports from Russia, one of the world's top oil producers, due to the war in Ukraine. This volatility has shaken up the crude oil markets and continues to push prices higher.
But fuel prices typically increase every summer, and some of the reasons are fairly logical. More people traveling, especially on family vacations and road trips, increases demand. Also, in the spring months, energy companies conduct maintenance on their refineries, shutting them down and limiting capacity until late May.
Because of these disruptions, oil supplies can become stretched. In addition, natural disasters, like hurricanes, can increase prices by disrupting transport routes and damaging refineries and other infrastructure.
But did you know that the gasoline sold during the summer is actually different — and more expensive to produce — than that sold in the winter? In this article, we'll take a look at why summer fuel prices are higher, focusing on the annual shift from winter-grade fuel to summer-grade fuel."
The American public is obviously under stress at the pump, for the reasons noted in the article...and the President is doing what he can to alleviate even more stress that is known to occur every summer.
Why argue against such efforts?...I don't get it.