forms of migrant farm workers.
I doubt many people seeking H-IB visas are crossing from Mexico.
In addition, all businesses must comply with the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (“INA”), which prohibits business owners from 1) citizenship status discrimination in hiring or firing; 2) national origin discrimination in hiring or firing; 3) unfair documentary practices during the employment eligibility verification, Form I-9, and E-Verify; and 4) retaliation or intimidation.
So, exactly which laws need to be enforced on American business which will limit its access to a cheap and industrious labor force?
The cheap and industrious labor force for corporate America is a straw dog argument considering the number of cities that provide dedicated locations for building contractors and people just looking for someone to help with a home project next to Home Depots, Lowes, lumber yards, etc., to access illegal immigrants for day work off the books. There are no corporate hiring offices at those locations.
Illegal immigrants working in slaughter houses or packing houses typically have acquired documentation false or legal but not through the corporate employer although, that scenario might form the basis for a movie plot exposing an alleged sex, graft and pay-off scheme in which the bad guys do not suffer any consequences, similar to no folks at the top of pharma pushing SSIs to numb the sufferers of depression with absolutely no evidence of any benefit.
Hmm JimB, maybe its not a straw dog argument, maybe there is something in there to which you might take a stab at with your artistic talent. To be sure, I want both a fee and screen credit.