just the one side and it's not being told.
But let's get back to MAS's tough on crime claim from the NYPost
and my response to it.
Your group saw the murder of Floyd as a positive, my group didn't.
Derek Chauvin was convicted of murder and is serving a 22.5 year sentence in a federal prison
for the murder of Floyd.
This isn't about hating the police, it's about the abhorrent behavior of a policeman and subsequent death of
a man in handcuffs. We all got to witness it from a video clip taken at the time of the murder.
We got to witness the callousness of a self-righteous prick using his authority as an officer
of the law slowly kill a man in handcuffs. Not about hating the police but actually sending
to jail a cold heartless killer.
You see, we democrats care about the law and our police forces and how they should
behave in the commission of their duties. If you break the law, you get to go to jail for it.
Like DJT. He broke the law - he should go to jail. That's caring for our laws and not
picking a side for who gets to be lawless and who doesn't. Something your ilk could
and should take note of before you open your mouths again calling yourselves
the party of law and order, et al.