which was less than poorly defensible. The Soviets built both bases but Bagram was built to be defensible which was improved on by the US.
Just consider the location of Karzai versus Bagram and the surroundings It is more than apparent that an idiot selected the evacuation to be from Karzai, probably only taking into account that it was an international airport and never considering that it was tactically indefensible. Consequently, there was chaos trying o evacuate people in an orderly fashion.
I know you like to fall back on Mr. Trump's supposed agreement with the Taliban and keeping a date cast in stone, but that is a fool's errand:
1) If intelligence was aware of the Taliban militarily moving in other parts of the country;
2) If the intelligence was not used to make that determination; and
3) It was not written in stone to leave on a certain date. For the love of all that is holy, the secdef and Mr. Biden were supposed to be leaders, they were supposed to look at the whole picture and say, this will not work for us and our allies. "Hey," Bagram is out in the middle of the fucking desert and it was built as a citadel, hmmm?