It easily spreads to millions. You understand how the internet and news and opinions spread these days. (Haven't you ever wondered how all of the MSM anchors use the exact same phrases?)
I see this as a trial balloon of sorts to the MSM readers such as yourself. I also see it as another signal to those enthralled by their Thought Givers as to how they should view "Traditional Catholics" and their rosaries. I intend to do my best to cause this trial balloon to fail.
I also see this effort by the Atlantic(liberal MSM)to be a way to restrict rosary use among catholics by passing on a negative connotation of this wonderful tool to catholics who don't know their faith very well (probably 90+% of american catholics) so that those who might still discover it are convinced not to be open to it because they have been told that it is "extremism" and "radical".
Things like Garland issuing warnings about rosary use are not out of the question as we have seen with parents and schoolboard meetings and other decisions....but that is still down the road, and i have no intention of letting these people drive this car that far down the road.