Curly is just oddly obsessed with inflation and approaches by throwing a bunch of shit against the wall to see what sticks. When told hyperinflation has a specific meaning and it's ridiculously higher than anything we will ever experience, he changes it to "well, the Democrats will start calling it that so they can enact a bunch of policy changes." He's loony. Or is it looney?
But if you want to speak about it seriously, sure. The only piece of legislation that likely had an impact, or at least an impact that was material AND not outweighed by positive factors was the original COVID relief bill. It may very well have not been necessary and it very well may have added to inflation. I probably wouldn't have voted for it if I were in congress at the time. However, there was still a lot of uncertainty at the time and people didn't know what the effect of NOT doing it would be. It likely helped some and boosted inflation some. Side note: I do find it funny that Republicans start there and not the other COVID relief bills passed while President Trump was in office since they all contributed. The PPP bill was a near complete sham and a gigantic wealth transfer to wealthy people.
Adding in the infrastructure bill is silly, especially since Republicans have been using it as an example of what we should be spending our money on for years (while simultaneously not doing anything about it). "Why are we putting billions into made-up climate change when our roads and bridges are falling apart?! Hur dur!" Ditto the bill to compete with China, specifically in the tech space. Critics can't have it both ways. So will these increase inflation, probably some. But they will also increase jobs, make us more competitive and fix our broken shit. Which is why a bunch of Republicans voted for it that actually care about getting shit done. Bully for them.
This bill will supposedly cut the deficit (or, my guess, increase it at a slower rate) and a material part of the spend invests in "energy security" which, again, is something for which Republicans have been clamoring.
Inflation is high throughout the first world because of litany of factors, most related to escaping the pandemic. The first spending bill likely contributed to it though there are countries that are higher than the U.S. that didn't put in such a spending bill. Inflation also looks to be topped out, hence the lack of daily posts about gas prices anymore on this board. This latest bill isn't going to do shit to it either. It's just on the list of reasons people don't like this administration/congress getting something done and they select it occasionally. Or, in the case of Curly, daily.
Any time you want to have a serious discussion like this, sign me up. They are so rare these days.