Abortion candidates not standing by their beliefs?...it's because they are finally being forced to listen to what over 80% of Americans have always understood...female babies should not have the state force them once they reach puberty to live in fear of having the burden of a child from an obviously unwanted rape, or a multitude of other "Unwanted Pregnancy" causes, for the rest of their lives...that's obvious madness and no one with a right mind wants a public servant who thinks it's OK.
That the Extremist Pro-Lifers can't understand this is unfathomable...and it's keeping us from instituting rational means to dramatically reduce the number of abortions...namely, Contraception Availability for all...Sex/Sexuality Education for ALL ages...and more $$ for programs that make carrying a pregnancy to term more doable.
btw, for those who think it's 'no problem' discerning within the space of 5-20 weeks, post conception, whether there was a "Real Rape" (as one imbecilic Congressman called it) they need their heads examined...but I'm willing to help them come to their senses.
Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/09/10/abortion-republican-candidates/