Great line from Buffalo Springfield song.
After 4 days of reading 4 other boards and reading every aspect of what is wrong..players, coaches, culture, fans etc etc etc. let me pass along a sad aspect of all this.
I know 2 players on the team and their families.
One player who i talked with on Monday shared these feelings
* The boos absolutely tore at him and his teammates
* The fans yelling F bombs at the players crushed the players
* He said that the players didn't take the field on Saturday to play shitty and get beat, they did, and he and his team know that. Nobody ever takes the field to only play at 50%.
He said they take the field as a team and as an extension of the University and its student body and the fans.
* A few of the players are really down in that when they win the fans and media love them, when they lay an egg it's a horror show.
He said many players read not only the social media stuff but the ND sites, and the horrible shit they read does affect them.
His final thought was that he and a few players will NEVER run out of that tunnel and view ND nation and all that makes ND special in a way he use to.
My thoughts.
This is a sad state of ND Football. For the team, the program, the fans.
My nephew Ryan played under Holtz. They laid an egg or two during his time.
I would get pissed and have pain for a loss (like to Northwestern) but its a fucking game. I would never boo my nephew for playing bad and would not shout out F bombs.
Thats where i get sad. This week seems to have brought out a vile aspect of the loss.
I hope we win the rest of the games make the playoffs and advance.
Not so much for me personally but all that makes up the Notre Dame Football Universe