create hard times.
If we take the wisdom of this quote and apply it to the world right now as well as the state of ND football from Holtz forward; it makes sense.
Psychologically, since Holtz we've created an environment of good times (weak men) in both the world and ND football. Everything has progressively moved to be based on emotional feelings and not principle and laws of fact. Why? I don't know, but I do know the latter is much tougher to digest. It's a lot harder and most people stear from hard out of the fear of failure. Strong men head into the face of fear and difficulty.
If ND has men too emotionally beaten to walk out of the tunnel based on a lousy performance, then we have the wrong men on the bus. Possibly, this is the systemic issue that has pleagued ND footbal for 30 years?
I say all this realizing that yes, the world is vile right now. Message boards and social media are ripping the fabric of our country and organizations apart. But, if we had strong men, strong leaders the seams would not be ripping apart. That's the unfortunate truth. This is the principle being missed in the repetitive tough lessons we are not learning from.