ND football is my favorite sports team by far. Not even close. I won’t say I live and die by ND football but I do invest a lot of passion. Used to watch the games with my dad and now with my family and text my son as we live pretty far apart.
Not sure the school that I loved exists anymore. But that’s ok. It will always be what it was to me. Helped shape me into the person that I am. I think I loved the Grotto and the campus as much as I love the university. And the evening view out my dorm room at st joes hall over the lake to the flickering moon light on the dome with Mary and the basilica next door. Best seat in the house from my room. Many a night I woke up and just looked out the window amazed I was there.
Also the grad school experience is different than the undergrad. There are still moments I find it hard to believe I am fortunate enough to have a degree from ND.