the players to handle this".
You stupid idiot. You are being given this amazing gift of access, and then you bitch about it? Do you understand that the solution is to ban you from the locker room?! Fool.
Hansen did not need to insert himself into this, but he has done so and poorly at that. he is trying to walk the fence between showing solidarity to fellow beat writers (never know when a new job might open up and you don't want to burn bridges) and trying to appear sympathetic to the players that he covers.
His solution? Blame a third party - "the Notre Dame program" for not preventing the situation.
So according to Hansen, the ND program is supposed to have their 19 yo' players after the most excruciating play of their life in the throws of extreme grief to "better handle haranguing sportswriters questions".
I would suggest to Notre Dame that they remove both Wolken and now Hansen from the locker room in order to prevent further problems.