He hides behind the excuse that "I didn't witness the other reporters actions", yet he has no trouble reporting on player and coach behavior that he did not directly witness.
Hansen HAD to have heard what others were saying about Wolken's behavior, but he chose to protect his own. Hansen is an OSU grad, and a reporter. His inclination to then blame ND for something that it could not possible prevent without banning him and his colleagues is predictable.
Hansen also has the gall to claim that he and his fellow reporters are doing a service for Gray, giving him the opportunity and experience to (paraphrase) "grow as a man". He uses the 19 yo's past quotes in different settings to try to justify this view.
Hey Eric, Notre Dame owes you NO preparation. If you don't behave around kids, then you get your ass banned. I'm sure the initial reaction of a reporter with this mentality is to try to claim that such a policy would be "censorship". But it's not. They can write whatever
they want about the football game, but you cannot abuse a grieving 19 yo player. They don't owe you shit.
Link: Hansen's tries his fence walk. and blames ND rather than the haranguing reporter looking for trouble