Does the risk of Vaccine side effects (Including SADS and heart, immunity and pregnancy issues, etc, etc) justify this in our young people? I think our Students should be allowed to decide for themselves.
category..a'la those over 65 yrs of age...
Colleges that care about every single student's health see mandates as the best way of ensuring that they get the medically proven for the other young healthy students, the booster isn't going to hurt them...
Note...we've already dealt here with the myocarditis claims, and no serious side effects have ever shown up after 6 months of vaccine usage, especially when hundreds of millions of doses have been much for the worry about some possible long term side effects years down the road.
Attached is an informative discussion on vaccines/boosters...the host is a Micro-biology expert (PhD in the field I believe)
Let’s take away their cars and enforce the drinking age laws.
have been proven beneficial to that group, and not injurious to others, it makes sense for colleges to call for a mandate.
Ned, if you're the attached link...there are more such students than you think...just imagine if one of them were your kid and everyone else at their college considered them "expendable"...are you that kind of guy?...
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You get on me all the time about listening to "experts." As Baron pointed out, he has the medical training and knowledge to be able to look at studies and actually understand what they say. So why should I, or anyone else here, listen to you over Baron?
the detailed report with copious data in it...please don't hold him up as a reputable source.
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U of Maine, Rochester Institute of Technology, Monmouth College, and others have recently dropped the mandate...soon the trickle will become a river unless some new development occurs.
With studies recently confirming that natural immunity is at least as good as vaccination immunity, and with the massive number of people who now have natural immunity, the logic that spurred the initial recommendations is no longer valid....."the science has changed". The problem is that it changed quite a while ago.
Vaccination policy is always based on the premise of prevention. There will always be isolated subsets at risk, but these groups are not the driver for sytem wide policy for the low risk, healthy population. Those subsets will (as they always have in the past with other diseases) need their own special rules and ...."you don't put the entire town in the bubble" for a very small number. Instead, you put the very small number in their own "bubble" and you advise them based on their specific health risks".
Nice opinion piece here on it too.