"Americans shouldn’t have to choose between “half-baked, spurious nationalism” and the irresponsible interventionism identified with McCain over the last two decades, but instead should reject both."
Link: http://www.theamericanconservative.com/larison/mccain-and-american-ideals/
Chief nutcase and his bots. The list keeps growing but I guess everyone just somehow misses or can’t translate what Trumpo is really doing and saying.
As long as it supports the liberal narrative. Amazing. Bwahahahahahahaha
Not surprising...
First he was the king of white supremacists, and then when it looked like POTUS was forcing him out, the Violent Left defended Sessions, and now he's back to being extraordinarily white. Trump is playing the Violent Left like a Stradivarius.
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Trump's lack of selectivity in what he says is indeed his biggest problem...and yet it is his biggest strength. I just ignore what he says, and watch what he does. There is more sanity that way. His actions so far have been pretty solid.
And he refused to be a nationalist, nitwit bigot after 9/11. The country does owe him for that.
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That you tune out the speaking and words of the so called President. As if they don’t have a tremendous impact in so many ways. Sad
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as the conscience of America.
It's easy to get fawning media when you oppose Trump. Too bad he's doing it at the cost of good policy (repealing Obamacare, passing tax reform).
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But he calls out authoritarians here, too, which is nice.
He lives for his moment in the media spotlight
His family and his patriotism. Rage on
I have absolutely no beef with him whatsoever. I even liked his speech today. He has class.
we have in the WH, very quickly.