And if they fled... weren't they afraid of something or someone? Has that been resolved? It could be that herding the Syrians back may be more problematic that chasing the Kurds out.
of them and caused the rest to migrate, with some boys washing up on beaches as we famously remember. It's not that they don't want to go back, it's that there aren't enough of them around to retake the land.
O bama chose to meddle in regime change in Syria and the result was a catastrophe. Anyone who says differently is a flat-out liar.
We did not get into the regime-change biz, which pissed off John McCain and the neo-cons, as you might recall. We even mandated that the troops we trained only fought against ISIS.
A forestry program?
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since that went so well.
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Can't believe we have a leader that will call this globalist a-hole out. If you had doubts in god, you should have put those to rest by now.
I used to be a kool-aid inking Re-pub, thank you trump for showing the light. Wipe out the Rhino's and get us back to our roots (which are originally designed in WI thank you very much!)
as he has also educated me on China's theft.