A lot of the strength coaches are roided up lunatics like that Maryland nut-job. With coaches looking the other way as they supply and advise the players.
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And the NFL's problem is even larger, to the point where it makes MLB look like a footnote.
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you ever even hear about + tests in college football in one player much less three? This is a substance not allowed in the US in ANY form.
Unless you think they were sabotaged, the odds very strongly favor a team that has significant doping among it's players.
.....I say this in my best "aw shucks, I'm just a simple southern good ol' boy" accent, of course.
Is she just a sliver pregnant? Let's here what our good ole boy DAY Bo says
They're going on the gear. When you're injured, it helps to recover faster. When you're exhausted nine games into a 13 game season, you're going on T. That's hormone is powerful as fuck...
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Not wanting something doesn't preclude knowing why the criminality exists...