Liberals are always about deception and hiding what they truly plan.
fail safe in the future which is their intention. They want everyone in electric but they are not building the infrastructure to support their program. Once again liberals are dreamers and not realists.
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but not with the flip of a I've noted many times, we will keep using hydrocarbons for Plastics, etc...but not for heat and power (JetA will take a bit longer to be replaced ;-)).
Already, the much less costly and even safer nuclear plant designs are nearing construction start (for developmental testing) and should be operating in the 2028-2030 time frame...btw, sufficient funding is being provided by the DOE and private investors (e.g. Bill Gates (Terrapower). Solar and Wind will also expand, along with the distribution infrastructure, starting now (i.e. Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Bill and the Inflation Reduction Act).
Should we have started this process earlier?...absolutely, but here we are...adjust your thinking to a future you can't hold back no matter how much you'd like things to stay the same.